Lt. Kenneth R. Robinson page 3
March 5 1945 : After Action Report Rheinberg, 36 Tank Battalion, Company D
Interviewer : 1st Lt. Howard L. Oleck
Place and date : Venlo, Holland, 1500, 15 March 1945
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First Platoon Sergeant Robert W. Morris picture courtesy of Mr. Charles Gordon |
1st Platoon
SGT WILLARD M. HORINE, #5 tank, 3rd Platoon.
Every officer of D Co, was killed or severely wounded in the action at Rheinberg on 5 March 1945.
D Co. of the 36th Tk Bn was in reserve in Aldekerk on the morning of 5 March 1945. They were up all night awaiting orders to move into Lintfort. Orders came at 1130. The column ahead had been very slow.
On that morning the following
officers were with the company:
WIA Captain Arthur C. Erdman, CO
KIA 1st Lt. Kenneth R. Robinson, 1st Platoon
WIA 2nd Lt. Thomas H. Ryan, 2nd Platoon
KIA 1st Lt. Frank Rich, 3rd Platoon
The company moved northeast
to Lintfort, suffering one casualty from sniper fire, (of which they had been
warned) enroute, (T/4 Samson C. Willoughby).
They passed through Lintfort from West to East with only an occasional sniper
along the way and came out on the northeast edge of the town, still in column.
CCB trains came with them, in fact all the way to just northeast of Lintfort.
Battalion trains also came with them, in fact moving ahead of the tank column
until they were clear of the northeast edge of Lintfort. Here trains were passed
and the tank column turned northeast toward Rossenray.
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Map of Rheinberg action 36th Tank Battalion |
The column moved across an
open field toward a patch of woods just north of Rossenray. Heavy small arms
fire began to come from these woods. Trains halted in place (see overlay) and
the tanks passed on to north of Rossenray where they moved around the southeastern
corner of the woods, firing into the woods as they passed. Enemy machine guns
and burp guns in the woods were silenced and the crews and infantry flushed
out of the woods and driven north.
One platoon of the 809th TD Bn. was found there in line south to north, firing
west into the eastern edge of the woods. Major Gurney’s tank come up to
about this time and he, seeing the situation, ordered D Co. to retrace its way
and move from Lintfort directly north.
The company was in the order of: 3rd Platoon leading followed by 1st and 2nd
platoons. In turning the platoons got slightly mixed and tanks were out of their
proper numerical order in the column. This was to have disastrous effects later.
The column went back through Lintfort and turned north on the road leading to
the Fossa Canal road. They passed some of then 49th Armored Infantry mopping
up the northern edge of town. The column reached the canal road and turned northeast.
When the column had cleared the road crossing, and enemy infantry company dug in just north of the intersection, opened fire with small arms and machine guns, firing into the rear of the column. Before any D Co. tanks were forced to act, 2 tanks of the 784th Tank Battalion, which were working with the 49th Infantry, came up from the south and drove north into the German infantry positions, driving the enemy off to the north. Never the less, 2 tanks of D Co. were left behind to cover the intersection as a rear guard.
Along the canal road artillery
fire from the northwest began to fall on the column, including many air bursts
and time fire. Lt. Ryan was leading the column, and Major Gurney’s tank
was in the column.
At 1600 the column reached the bend to the north along the canal road just southwest
of Rheinberg.
Here Lt. Ryan’s tank
ran into a cable stretched across the road, injuring him and stopping his tank.
He called on the radio to his second section leader, S/Sgt Hollis M. Towry to
take the lead. Sgt. Towry’s tank had gotten out of proper order in the
town around mentioned above and was too far back to pass the column so Sgt Harry
W. McRae, first section leader led the column (he was not the best qualified
man to lead the entire company, with all due respects to his qualities.) The
column became jammed at this point as no signals were passed back from the leading
vehicle. One tank stalled, half blocking the road, but the column passed by
and on to the next intersection and then north when fire from the east began
to come in.
In an open field to the east two 88’s entirely uncamouflaged, and one
(later found to be well camouflaged) began firing. The column had turned north
and several tanks returned fire. Sgt. McRae and Lt. Robinson (2 tanks) had turned.
The rest of the column was still along the canal road.
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Fighting alongside a smouldering D-Co M24 tank Rheinberg is not yet taken (Picture courtesy of 8th Armored Division Association) |
The guns were silenced but
more fire was coming from the east, and without any express order, the balance
of the tanks backed down the canal road to a point just east of the woods which
were along the north side of the road. At that point there was a semi-circular
excavated area which afforded cover and concealment. The tanks entered that
area and used it as a rallying point. Sgt. McRae and Lt. Robinson knocked out
another anti-tank gun and one SP gun in a field to the northeast, before returning.
Having rallied, the whole company returned southwest to the factory at the intersection
north of Lintfort, bringing their wounded along on their tanks. A storm of fire
was falling over the rally area and all along the road, coming from anti-tank
guns in an arc from the south, swinging west and up to the north. The tank moved
back, firing at every possible gun location but the enemy fire did not slacken.
While thus withdrawing, several more tanks were hit and left in positions shown
on the overlay. Lt. Robinson’s tank was hit and burning. Sgt. McRae’s
gun had jammed and he remained in the woods trying to repair it. Lt. Ryan’s
tank had been stopped by the cable across the road. Lt. Robinson’s tank
was hit by a bazooka. Sgt James A Geiger’s tank was hit. Sgt Alonza Larkin’s
tank was hit by an 88 as was that of Sgt Edward A. Wargo. Sgt Vernon G. Carr’s
tank struck a mine. The road was lined with blazing tanks, artillery was bursting
all along the route, and the remaining tanks backing away were firing desperately
at very few visible targets. The remaining tanks reached the factory to find
no medics to give them assistance, except one Negro medic from the colored tank
company who could evacuate only one man on his peep (in Armored Divisions a
jeep was called a 'peep'). Six casualties were loaded on the back of one tank
and evacuated.
Captain Erdmann led the 7 remaining tanks up the road again toward the rallying
area. Enroute, S/Sgt Lewis J. Sullivan had his hand smashed, and dropped out
to return with his tank to the factory.
Now there were 6 tanks ready for action at the rallying area (the excavated
area mentioned above). Lt. Rich led the tanks out in line across a field to
the northeast of the rally area, in assault toward the western edge of Rheinberg.
An anti-tank gun, well camouflaged along side a house to the north, was knocked
out. Three tanks continued northeast in line (those of Sgt Towry, Sgt Marcell
O. Saborn and Sgt Horine), see overlay.
Two of the tanks, those of Lt. Rich and Capt. Erdmann, turned south to the road
and moved east along the road to the railroad station. Every tank was firing
rapidly with all guns.
Capt. Erdmann’s and Lt. Rich’s tanks were hit and knocked out at
the railroad station where the canal road crosses the railroad.
The other 3 tanks to the north were under heavy fire and Sgt Towry’s tank
was hit and began burning.
Sgt Horine and Sgt Sayborn finding themselves thus alone, put their tanks into
reverse, still firing, and got behind houses. Sgt Sayborn’s machine guns
were jammed and he was working on them. Sgt. Horine’s tank, alone, could
continue to fire. This was about 1700 hours.
Sgts Horine and Sayborn withdrew to the canal road. There they met Major Gurney,
Col. Kimball and Lt. Robinson with the anti-tank platoon of C Co. of the 49th
AIB. Lt. Robinson mounted the back of Sgt Horine’s tank and fired the
50 caliber machine gun over the turret. The infantry platoon deployed along
both sides of the road and they began to move up toward Rheinberg again in the
ditches. At this time all the heavy guns (anti-tank) had been silenced and only
sporadic small arms fire was being received from the town. The fire from the
right flank (southeast) began to increase. The tanks fired smoke mortars from
their turrets, smoking the south side of the road. There was enemy infantry
on the north and machine guns firing on the south. An AT gun opened up again
from the east.
Sgt Horine’s tank was hit. Lt. Robinson and those that did escape landed in a nearby ditch. It was then that Lt. Robinson told his men that he was going to get some infantry to help them. That was the last the men saw of him. The next morning they learned that while Lt. Robinson tried to contact infantry he was killed by a shot in the head.
Sgt. Sayborn, in the only remaining tank, backed up, turned, picked up some dismounted tankers and returned to the north edge of Lintfort. As he was leaving some of our armored infantry came up, joining the few who already were moving toward Rheinberg, and they all moved into Rheinberg against only light small arms fire.
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On the 6th of March the 88th Cavalry Squadron cleared the pocket which had been the original objective, in a few hours, taking 60 prisoners and suffering no serious casualties whatsoever. The 88th Cavalry Squadron came into position to attack the pocket by swinging somewhat south and east from 8th Armored Division CP at Grefrath and then northeast into the pocket on the right flank of CCB
Final tally of the battle
for Rheinberg shows not only the determination of the "CCB" men of
the 8th Armored to accomplish their mission, but also the fanatic defense put
up by the Germans in an attempt to hold open the Wesel "escape route."
The 49th AIB suffered 68 casualties, while the 36th had 131 either wounded or
killed in action. From the German ranks 512 prisoners were taken and 350 killed.
The 36th Tank Battalion lost a total of 41 tanks. Baker Company had lost all
but six tanks. Able Company fared somewhat better, but a final count showed
11 of its tanks knocked out. D Company, which had been ordered to attack from
the southwest, left 17 of its 18 tanks along the road and the remaining tank
had to be withdrawn.
The Germans had intended to defend Rheinberg strongly in order to withdraw as
many men and as much equipment as possible behind the temporary safety of the
Rhine. Here in Rheinberg the Germans had employed anti-tank guns en masse. The
entire city was ringed with 88 mm guns supported by 20 mm and 40 mm anti-tank
guns. Along all routes and approaches to the town the enemy had prepared positions.
Fanatical members of the Second Para Regiment were dug in and well armed with
automatic weapons and Panzerfausts.
Around noon on March 9 1945, Kenneth was buried at the U.S. Military Cemetery
Margraten, at Plot U, Row 7, Grave 156. Adjacent to his grave at both sides
were the graves of two other 8th Armored Division brothers in arms who died
in the Rheinberg action, TEC4 Charles R. West, B-Co, 36th Tank Battalion and
SSGT Walter D. Steinmetzer, A-Co, 49th Armored Infantry Battalion.
On 9 April 1949 he was reburied at his present grave at Plot M, Row 10, Grave 5
On 27 March 1945 Kenneth was posthumously awarded the Silver Star medal.
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Memorial Monument at Erie, Erie County, PA |
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In 2004 the Erie County Government initiated a Memorial Walkway at the Erie County Courthouse. The commemmorative tile of Lt. Kenneth R. Robinson is amongst the many tiles at the Courthouse walkway. Lt. Robinson is honored by Bert Caris and Erie Friends. These Erie friends are the Erie County Public Library staff : Terry Wirick and his colleagues Ann Marie, Barbara, Diane and Patricia.
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Kenneth's grave 1945 and a picture of his grave taken at Memorial Day 2008
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A special word of gratitude for sharing information is going out to : Mr. Terry Kenneth Robinson, nephew of Lt. Kenneth R. Robinson Mr. Harold Sutch, best friend of Lt. Kenneth R. Robinson
Mr. Terry Wirick and his colleagues of the Erie County Public Library, PA Mr. Okey Taylor, C-Company, 58th Armored Infantry Battalion, 8th Armored Division / webmaster of the 8th Armored Division Association website Mr. Alexander Merhige, D-Company, 36th Tank Battalion, 8th Armored Division Mr. Charles Gordon, son of Lt. Harold C. Gordon, D-Company, 36th Tank Battalion, 8th Armored Division Mrs. Elsa Bricker, Rice Avenue Union High School graduating class of 1940 |