Research : As caretakers of some graves of U.S. Servicemen buried at the Netherlands American Cemetery and Memorial of Margraten we respect the urge to do research on the life of the soldiers buried in a grave far from his or her homeland. Watching out for a person who died in a terrible war which secured the freedom of millions of people is a respectful thing to do but it also presumes certain responsibilities. One of those responsibilities is respecting the privacy of others. The right to privacy is one of the many contemporary rights protected by law. This is just one of the distinguishing marks of a democratic society for which these young soldiers gave their lives decades ago.
The American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) An independent agency of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government. It is responsible for: commemorating the services of the American Armed Forces where they have served since April 6, 1917; designing, constructing, operating and maintaining permanent American military burial grounds in foreign countries; controlling the design and construction of U.S. military monuments and markers in foreign countries by other U.S. citizens and organizations, both public and private.
Akkers van Margraten : ( Dutch / English) a website about an oral history project as part of a Dutch national project called "Erfgoed van de Oorlog" : (Inheritance of the war) and is part of a sub-project called "Ooggetuigen verhalen" (stories of eyewitnesses). The projectteam is researching what the impact was and is till today, to the community of Margraten (1200 inhabitants in 1944), of the fact that good agricultural soil was 'given' to the US Army to bury over 20.000 soldiers, killed in WWII.
Find a Grave Find the graves of ancestors, create virtual memorials, add 'virtual flowers' and a note to a loved one's grave, etc.
a Grave ; the International Wargraves Photography Project (IWPP) Purpose
: to photograph headstones of men and women who gave all for their country,
regardless of nationality and geographical location. To create
interments using various documentation sources for these persons and present
them on the Internet. To bring to future generations the understanding
of the effect of war in a visual form, so as to illustrate the loss and suffering
that accompanies warfare. Volunteers are kindly entreated to
make their contribution to this project.
Forum : adoptiegraven
: (Dutch / English) website initiated by young adopter Sebastiaan Vonk,
focusing on a forum about the adoption of graves pertaining to several (U.S)
military cemeteries in Europe with many interesting topics related to the tradition
of adopting graves. You can ask for help in your research and contacting other
adopters. The website is not affiliated with the Foundation Adoption Graves
American Cemetery Margraten.
Archives and Records Administration (NARA) an independent Federal
agency, is America's national recordkeeper. NARA's mission is to ensure ready
access to the essential evidence that documents the rights of American citizens,
the actions of Federal officials, and the national experience.
National WWII Memorial (Washington DC) The World War II Memorial honors the 16 million who served in the armed forces of the U.S., the more than 400,000 who died, and all who supported the war effort from home. Symbolic of the defining event of the 20th Century, the memorial is a monument to the spirit, sacrifice, and commitment of the American people. The Second World War is the only 20th Century event commemorated on the National Mall’s central axis.
U.S. Army Military History Institute ( USAMHI ) The U.S. Army Military History Institute ( USAMHI) is an institute of the U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center. It's mission is to preserve the Army’s history and ensure access to historical research materials. The institute serves as the primary facility where researchers study Army history.
Adoptiegraven uit Nederland : (Dutch) a respectful website maintained by Arjan and Wendy Lensink, commemorating some of the servicemen, buried at the Netherlands American Cemetery and Memorial Margraten.
American WWII Orphans Network (AWON): an excellent website expressing an extensive network of sons or daughters, other relatives or friends of a soldier, seaman or airman killed, missing or who died while on active duty during WWII.
Freedom Is Not Free ; Allied WWII Casualties in The Netherlands Remembered: Fallen But Not Forgotten operates in close cooperation with this website, webmastered by Stevin Oudshoorn. It is a detailed and comprehensive sister website, dedicated to the lives of the men and women of the WWII allied armed forces who either died and / or have been interred on Dutch soil.
In Honored Glory: Fallen But Not Forgotten operates in close cooperation with this respectful and beautiful sister website, webmastered by Peter Heckmanns, dedicated to keeping alive the stories of those buried or commemorated at the Henri-Chapelle Cemetery, Belgium. In Honored Glory holds plenty of information about the cemetery, the soldiers, units, history, honor rolls with maps, photo's and links.
Proud Remembrance:
an excellent website dedicated to collect and preserve as many as possible
stories of those who gave their lives for the freedom of others during World
War II. The website is maintained by Mr. Kevin D. Klump. The website contains
lots of stories, pictures, information and links.
A wonderful museum run by Marcel and Mathilde Schmetz. Guided tours are in French,
Dutch, German, English and Walloon. Most of the museum's artifacts were left
on Marcel Schmetzes’ parents’ farm by the U.S. 1st Infantry Division.
The other items are donated by WWII veterans. It is a museum with a human dimension,
great welcome, original aspect and simplicity, as well as many stories of WWII
soldiers. The museum wants to express the gratefulness to all these «
G.I.'s» who came to Europe, at the risk of their own lives, to give us
our freedom back.
Allied Heroes : a
very nice website maintained by young adopter Wesley Haex commemorating the
lives of soldiers buried at the Margraten cemetery informing you about the experiences
of Wesley as an adopter.
of Freedom : A very nice website webmastered by Jean Vijgen, dedicated
to the stories of the soldiers buried at the Margraten cemetery and Henri-Chapelle
cemetery. A website with a personal touch.
of Victory : A touching website of a few of our youngest caretakers
Jeffrey and Kevin Aarts, advised by their father Pim, paying a tribute to the
U.S. Liberators who's gravesite Jeffrey, Kevin and their father have adopted.
With stories, pictures, banners, sounds and interesting links.
WWII Stories In Their Own Words: an excellent website dedicated to collect and preserve the stories of as many Veterans as possible. Webmastered by mr. Joseph L. Richard. The website holds lots of stories, pictures and links.
Military Units:
7th Armored Division Association a detailed website of the 7th Armored Division (The Lucky Seventh) with After Action Reports and similar historical documents, articles, photo’s, bookreferences and many other overviews of stories, rosters, monuments etc. | |
8th Armored Division Association an excellent website of the 8th Armored Division (Thundering Herd) of World War II. The web site publishes the Divisions history, After Action Reports, General Orders Awards, Company rosters , Company pictures, Books and stories, Requests for Info, etc. |
17th Airborne Division a comprehensive set of webpages dedicated to the 17th Airborne Division (Thunder from Heaven) with history overview, pictures, unit rosters, related articles and book references. | |
30th Infantry Division Association a very nice website of the 30th Infantry Division (Old Hickory) with history, unit history, fact sheet, accounts of life in the 30th Infantry written by veterans themselves, or by their families, links and photos, etc | |
76th Infantry Division Association a very nice and comprehensive website dedicated to the 76th Infantry Division (Onaway Division) with unit histories, personal histories, pictures, related articles, links and book references. | |
83rd Infantry Division - Brothers in Arms a very nice website by Dave Curry dedicated to the story of the 83rd Division (Thunderbolt Division) with histories, personal stories, pictures, maps, links and bookreferences and a 83rd Division "Thunderbolt" Message Board, where people who have adopted graves of soldiers of the 83rd Division can request information. | |
100th Bomb Group Foundation an exellent and comprehensive website dedicated to the 100th Bomb Group Heavy (the Bloody Hundredth) with Squadron histories, personal histories, pictures, related articles, links, book references, crews, cemeteries and forum. | |
368th Fighter Group Association an excellent website of the 368th Fighter Group ("nulli secundus" - "second to none") with the 368th Book Project, Squadron history and timeline, Association and reunion info, 'Fallen Brothers'-section, Gun Camera film clips, Nose Art Gallery etc. | |
506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, E-Company an excellent and comprehensive website of and about the men who served with ´Easy Company´. Their objectives are: To honor the dead in all ways possible, Visit hospitals and re-hab centers for wounded soldiers and vets, and troop installations, Educate all who will listen about the reason they fought and that freedom isn’t free, To have yearly reunions. |
508th Parachute Infantry Regiment Association an exellent and comprehensive website dedicated to the 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment (the Red Devils) of the 82nd Airborne Division (All-American Division) with histories, personal histories, pictures, related articles, links, book references, videos and more. | |
446th Bomb Group This website chronicles the history of the 446th. There are stories written by the men themselves and a memorial to the over 500 flyers whose missions never ended. With photos, rosters, memorial, links etc. |
WWII related websites
Band Of Brothers : a website maintained by Ronald Stassen, dedicated to the Allied Paratroopers of World War II. An excellent website with a large quantity of information about the Allied Paratroopers. |
Don Wolff : he's one of the heroes : a website maintained by Stefan van den Broek, with WWII pictures, biography and stories of Cpl. Don Wolff, who served with the HQ Company, 80th Tank Battalion, 8th Armored Division. |, the Digital Monument : a comprehensive website, with 5 online databases with more than 4200 personal KIA files, over 5000 pictures, maps & animations, veterans accounts and more. |
Stichting Informatie WereldOorlog Twee (STIWOT) : (In Dutch only) A voluntary organization which seeks to promote the knowledge of the second world war, mainly by setting up, maintaining and updating of websites. Other activities are also organized. |
The United States XIX Corps website : a comprehensive website about the US XIX Corps' advances through France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany in 1944 - 1945, with information about insignia, combat chronology, unit descriptions, Roll of Honor, maps, ranks, vehicles and cemeteries. With special attention to the Purple Heart Medal Memorial Plaque project. |
Tweedewereldoorlog-nederland.startpagina : a (Dutch) search portal pertaining to the second world war, with an abundancy of interesting links. |